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No W7 32 Bit Driver For Acpimsft0101 Device

No W7 32-Bit Driver for ACPIMSFT0101 Device

Workaround Available for W7 64-Bit

Fix Requires Microsoft Hotfix Installation

Unfortunately, there is no official 32-bit driver available for the ACPIMSFT0101 device. However, a workaround exists that involves installing a Microsoft hotfix for Windows 7 64-bit. Detailed instructions on the device issue and hotfix installation can be found in the READMEWEB file.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Confirm that your country is included in the list of supported countries (e.g., Anguilla, Australia, Austria).
  2. Download and run the Microsoft hotfix for the ACPIMSFT0101 device.

After installing the hotfix, the device should be installed. If you encounter any issues with the AMD HDMI audio, refer to the READMEWEB file or contact Microsoft support for assistance.
