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Babylonian Cuneiform Tablets Deciphered

Babylonian Cuneiform Tablets Deciphered

Unlocking Ancient Knowledge

WEB Researchers have deciphered four 4000-year-old Babylonian cuneiform tablets, shedding light on the advanced scientific knowledge possessed by this ancient civilization.

Predicting Eclipses

One of the most remarkable discoveries from the tablets is the Babylonian's ability to predict eclipses. These predictions were not merely academic exercises but had practical applications, such as navigating by the stars and formulating agricultural calendars.

Set Aside for Testing

Some of the tablets were originally set aside for testing and verifying the accuracy of the eclipse predictions. This meticulous approach to scientific research demonstrates the sophistication of Babylonian scholars.

Scientific Legacy

The decipherment of these cuneiform tablets not only provides valuable insights into the scientific advancements of ancient Babylonia but also underscores the enduring power of human knowledge and the continuity of scientific inquiry.
